At the business meeting of the 319th Bomb Group Reunion
Association held at San Diego, CA on 26 Sept 1998, the membership voted
to dissolve the Association as a not for profit corporation on 31 Dec 1999;
that the USAF Academy receive an additional $2500 to ensure the perpetuity
of the Holzapple Award; that remaining funds (after payment of all
financial obligations) be equally disbursed to the Air Force Aid Society,
the WWII War Memorial and to presently recognized B-26 Restoration Projects.
Current financial obligations, in addition to the
month to month expenses, include continuation of The 319th Flyer, a memorial
plaque at Arlington National Cemetery and the production of a video tape
covering the years following “The Men of the 319th” video produced by Jim
McKim several years ago.
While the formal structure of the 319th Association
will be dissolved, plans are underway to continue with a newsletter and
reunions, either with or without joining forces with the 17th and/or 320th
Bomb Groups. In the event of a joint reunion, the only thing that would
change would be a joint banquet.
Stay tuned for additional details as plans are finalized
Appreciated Chuck Ohanian’s “sad news” call informing us of Robert
T. “Bud” Shipler’s recent passing (see “Taps”). Chuck said he received
a call from Bud’s wife, Bethel, better known to their friends as “Peach”,
saying Bud had lost his long battle with cancer. Chuck said he was also
fixing to pass along the sad news to fellow Hqs member Warren Thrailkill.
Enjoyed talking to Chuck about the great time we had at San Diego reunion
and his wish that they could go on and on, but said he knew we had to face
up to the reality of the situation and thought we were going about it in
a proper fashion. All we can add to that is, Amen!
These sad tidings from Helen Sanders: “I’m writing
to inform his 319th friends that my husband , Maj. O. C. Sanders, Jr.,
passed away on 23 June 1998 (see “Taps”).” Ed: Our records show that O.
C. served as a bombardier and had been assigned to Hqs and the 438th Sqdn.
Our heartfelt condolences go to Helen on the loss of her loving husband.
Her address is: 1216 W 12th St., Nitro, WV 25143.
This from Warren Thrailkill: “It was so good seeing
you and Betty again at the San Diego reunion...everything went so well,
I don’t believe you can ask for more than that! Will be hard to see us
“shut down” in 1999 although we know that to be the best. Am looking forward
to seeing you both again at the April Board meeting in Dallas. The way
time seems to move these days April will be here before we know it. The
enclosed Mary Cash obituary is from Nathile Ivy. We shall all miss Dan
and Mary Cash, they were faithful reunion attendees. Dan was Adjutant to
the Group so we in Hqs saw him a lot. I sent a progress report to Joe M
on the Arlington memorial project...the project is moving right along.”
Ed: Warren, because some of our members aren’t aware of it, maybe between
Joe M and yourself we can get a write up on the Arlington memorial project
to include in the next newsletter, okay? And thanks for the extra obit.
Heard from Joe M that Bob Cowan had run up against some eye problems so
we called and learned that during an eye exam a cataract was detected in
his right eye. He underwent what was termed a successful cataract and cornea
operation on 8 July., but four days later he suffered a small stroke behind
the eye and lost sight in same for several days. He now has limited vision
in the eye and is hopeful he’ll find some procedure to restore additional
sight. Bob said wife Doris still has problems with her twice-operated on
knee, and faces another operation to restore blood circulation in her leg
following the reunion. None of the above stopped them from joining us at
San Diego! We enjoyed visiting with them as usual. Hey, ain’t it great
to be senior citizens!
John Gaffey called to get clarification on the e-mail
address we’d listed for Gabe Morris in Ed Brock’s “Big Tail Birds”
web site in the last 319th Flyer. Asked John if he had a computer and if
he was “on line”, he replied negative to both questions...said his wife
Margaret who is new to computers, was handling those duties. Forgot to
ask him for their e-mail address, hope Margaret will send it to Brock for
addition to his list of e-mail addresses. Asked John if we’d see him at
San Diego...said he hoped so, but he’s been having some health problems
so everything was kind of “iffy” at the time.
This brief note from Charles Vannoy: “I don’t expect
to attend the San Diego reunion, my health isn’t all that good at present,
am hoping it will improve so I can make it to Savannah next year. I received
a message from Grace Corso, daughter of Joe (deceased) & Grace Perniciaro,
stating that her mother had passed away 16 July 1998 (see ‘Taps’). Hope
things work out for us next year.” Ed: Thanks for the notice, Charlie...pass
along our condolences to Grace on the loss of her mother. And we’ll keep
our fingers and toes crossed that we’ll see you at Savannah!
John & Teene Young sent this e-mail “Taps” notice:
“John N. Week, 437 pilot, died 13 Nov 1998 of lymphoma at his home in Kanehoe,
Hawaii. My wife and I had visited him just two weeks earlier and knew how
sick he was, but this was still unexpected. We had been close friends for
57 years; we went thru cadet school together; joined the 320th in FL together;
and flew a war-weary home together. I was the best man at his wedding and
we have kept close thru these many years, so you can see how deeply his
death affects us. John’s wife preceded him in death. He has two sons, both
live on the big island. Cards and condolences will reach them at John’s
address: Yacht Club Knolls, 44-302-2 Olina St., Kanehoe, HI 96744. And
Ron, thanks for your good work.” Ed: The good times you shared together
will be treasured forever John...death can never take those happy times
away, so rejoice in those golden memories now and forever.
These words of praise from Gene & Dorothy Dahm: “We think the reunion
in San Diego was great, with so many things to see and do in the area,
along with a nice variety and over-view on the tours. We do appreciate
all the advance planning and work that goes into each reunion, and we are
already looking forward to the next one. Of course being the winner’s of
the 438th door prize for one night’s free lodging added to our appreciation
and enjoyment...that is a door prize well worth winning, and we were so
surprised to do so! Our thanks to all.” Ed: You can bet the planning committee
appreciates your pat on the back and says y’all join us at Savannah in
James (Jim?) Downham’s short note read: “I read on
page 11 of the last Flyer that Mike Kraker wrote giving you his new address.
I know Mike real well and would like to write him a letter. Enclosed is
a pre-stamped self-addressed envelope for your reply. Many thanks!” Ed:
We’re always happy to help get old friends back together again, Jim...and
we appreciated the SASE, too...a penny saved, etc., etc.
Past Prez Al Falcone writ: “At long last an uneventful
trip from NY to FL...just a lot of riding. The new motor home purred like
a tiger and I roar every time I make a payment. Expect to see a few 319th
members while in FL and hope they’ll share their story for our audio/video
history project. Am enclosing my cellular phone number in case you try
to call and tell me I won the lottery. Hope all’s going well with you and best to all. Happy Holidays! Ed: Didn’t publish that cell tel
# Al, didn’t want everybody else to horn in on the lottery action!
Here’s Michi Geraghty’s reply to the note Past Prez
Al Falcone sent her way saying that we missed her at the reunion held in
her San Diego backyard: “Hi Al. Thank you for the card, sorry to have missed
you...I was in Hawaii working on my tan! Everything is well with me, busy
with family, cat and dog. I’ll try to attend the next reunion at Savannah.
Enclosed is a contribution to the 319th BG, Fred’s favorite organization.
Note the check is dated 17 Oct, which also was Fred’s birth date. Thanks
again, it’s especially nice to be remembered.” Ed: Thanks for the generous
contribution, Michi, we know Fred will approve your thoughtfulness. See
you in Savannah!
This to Joe M from John Lonsky: “Here’s a little something
for the kitty...sorry it’s late, but I had a heart attack back on 8 July.
The doctors put in a stint and it turned out okay...I’m doing alright now,
able to do some light work and all that stuff. Sure wish it would be possible
to keep up the reunions and have them in the central states so it would
be easier for everyone to attend.” Ed: Be sure to read Joe’s item about
what’s in the offing in the way of 319th reunions, John...we ain’t put
the plane in the hangar yet!
Bill Robbins writ to let us know he’d changed digs
from St Pete, FL to 703 Grants Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76014 and hoped we had
a good time at San Diego. We did, Bill, and now we’re almost next door
neighbors. How about joining up with the Marauder Men of the Metroplex
they meet for b & b lunch (barbeque n’ bullshit) every other month
in Arlington...good group! Give me a call for the next meeting date and
I’ll meet you there, okay?
Howard Scott called to let us know that Donald H.
Cone, a 438th bombsight maintenance specialist, passed away on 13
Oct 1998 (see “Taps”). Howard said Don’s sister called him with the sad
news. She said he had been experiencing heart problems for some time, had
undergone surgery earlier this year and should have had another operation
but wasn’t strong enough to get through it. You’ll note in “Taps” that
Don lost his wife Geraldine about a year ago. Our heartfelt condolences
go to Don’s family on the loss of their mom and dad.
Received these sad tidings from Ethel Perry, sister of 439 Engineer/Gunner
Guy M. “Buck” Miller, deceased (see “Taps”): “My brother, Guy M. Miller
died in the IHS Hospital in Sarasota, FL 19 September 1996. “Buck” was
a member of the 439th Bomb Squadron, 319th Bomb Group. I am truly sorry
it has taken me so long to report his death to you.” Ed: We extend condolences
to you on the loss of your brother, Ethel. We know that it was painful
for you to write the sad news of “Buck’s” passing...we appreciate your
Roger Rhodarmer e-mailed us the sad news that Revoe
Hill had passed away (see “Taps”). He attached the following note from
Terry Newman, Revoe’s friend who was instrumental in getting us in touch
with him after all these years. Terry said, “I remember the last
time he and I were talking, he told me that when he went to heaven he was
going to have a long talk with Col Holzapple. Well I guess he is having
that long talk about now. All I know is that Revoe Hill, a proud B-26 pilot
will be missed...he was a true American to the very end.” Roger added,
”I was deeply saddened to get the message that old Revoe is gone but am
thankful we made contact and he got to the reunion at San Diego.” Ed: We
got to meet Revoe at San Diego and know how much it meant for him to be
reunited with his old 439th friends once again...fate is a cruel hunter.
This to Joe M from Ed & Stella Ryan: “We had hoped
to attend the reunion in San Diego but I had a light stroke in March of
this year so we’ve reluctantly decided not to attend. I’m getting along
pretty good except for the aches and pains of being 80. It’s just that
I’m not quite ready to travel that far from our home in Iowa. Received
a call from Revoe Hill this summer and he plans to attend the reunion,
I surely will miss seeing him. His wife wrote saying that he is in the
early stage of Alzheimers, so I hope he gets to see some of his old friends.
We hope the reunion goes well, as it usually does...maybe I’ll make it
next year or the year following, if there’ll be one in 2000. Our best regards
to all.” Ed: We know how much you’d like to join us at San Diego, guys,
but there’s always next year, so start making plans now for Savannah in
1999...and Honolulu in 2000...hey, just kidding!
This from Earl St. Jeor to Joe M: “I noticed, while
reading the local Bountiful (UT) paper that Robert T. ‘Bud’ Shipman (see
“Taps”) had passed away during the last week of Oct 1998. A copy of the
notice is included. Four of the 319th BG members were from appears
that I am now the only one still living. Have enclosed a donation to help
the cause.” Ed: Our ranks are shrinking, Earl, and we miss the companionship
of those who have gone on ahead, but that’s life!
This one from Denny Wolff got waylaid by those dadgummed
gremlins! He writ: “Was cleaning up my desk and found the #100 Flyer, had
to stop and read it again, cover to cover. How you can put together 16
pages of memories and current news is awe inspiring. You must have been
a used car salesman to come up with so much info. Can’t remember when I
last sent a few pennies along so the enclosed may help pay some of the
postage. You guys deserve some kind of medal for the work you do. Esther
Oyster is really tops in my book. I’m proud to even be associated with
such people. Am waiting for your OK report.” Ed: Geez, what a lucky guess,
Denny..I did sell new & used cars and trucks following the war and
my college days. Didn’t think anybody would ever figger that out. The report
is A-OK for San Diego. Will be looking to see you there.
Received this request from Art Ahlbrecht: “Noted Leo Smith’s item on pg
13 of the last Flyer stating he had heard from Donald Treadwell Robertson,
son of 440 Pilot Don Treadwell (KIA 19 Oct 1944). I would like Donald Treadwell’s
address so I can write and tell him that I shared a house on Sardinia and
a tent on Corsica with his father and remember well the joy we shared with
him when his son Donald was born in August of 1944...he should be 54 now.
SASE envelope enclosed. Thanks much.” Ed: We SNAFU’d Art’s request...sent
him a wrong address so we called Leo Smith to get the right address...sorry,
Art...some days we can’t git nuthin rite!
This nice note from Phyllis Baumann, widow of 440
Pilot Roy L. Baumann, Sr. (see “Taps”): “My long overdue apology for the
lapse in this correspondence (about 10 yrs), only hope you will accept
it. My husband served with the 319th from June 1943 to August
1944, flew 65 missions; was an AF career officer from 1952-65; served in
the Civil Service in Hawaii 1968-73. Roy died in 1987 of Alzheimers
at age 65 and now his son Roy Jr. is covering for him in golf....Roy, when
he retired, was a ‘scratch golfer.’ I and Roy Jr., who lives in the San
Diego area, hope to meet you when we attend the reunion there on Friday
the 25 th.” Ed: Glad that you and Roy Jr. will be joining us at San Diego,
we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
Dan Callahan’s note said: “Enclosed is an ‘obit’ from
The Rock Island Argus (IL) for Jack Clark who died 19 Sep !998 (see “Taps”).
Jack was a 440th S/Sgt Bombardier/Gunner in the late 1943 early 1944 era
in Sardinia. As I recall, he attended the reunion in Washington DC and
the one the following year. The interesting thing about Jack’s obit is
that he married his wife two months before he was born! The obit is with
the compliments of my sister who was a nurse at the Rock Island Arsenal
and knew Jack when he worked there. Sorry I missed San Diego, the timing
was bad. Best regards to all.” Ed: Our thanks to Dan for Jack’s obit which
said he was born 21 Oct 1923 and married his wife on 21 Aug 1923...obviously
a goof...nice to know we aren’t the only editors those %#@$ gremlins hit
Tommy Perkins writ to say he was sorry about not being
able to make it to San Diego this year and sent some $$ to help the cause.
Said he’d been having some leg problem, sciatica nerves I think. Tommy
allowed as how he’d be at Savannah next year, seeing as how it’s just down
the road a piece from his home in Whigham, GA. Said he hopes we’ll have
a great reunion and that the board and members will reconsider the 1999
association termination date, and make it at least the year 2000. Ed: Good
suggestion, Tommy, ‘cause the year 2000 would encompass the 319th’s 25th
Silver Anniversary Reunion.
These sad tidings from Bernie Rienhart: “Sending notice
of Virgil Thulin’s passing after a short illness (see ‘Taps’). Virgil was
a 440th crew chief, and a darn good one. John Borba and myself attended
the memorial services held for him at the United Lutheran Church in Newman,
CA.” Ed: We extend heartfelt condolences to Virgil’s wife Helen and family
members. We know Virgil would’ve appreciated the presence of two old 440th
friends for his final check ride.
This from Lew & Effie Robinson: “Here are our
winter & summer addresses. Thank you for all the work you do in putting
out the 319th Flyer...I sure enjoy reading it from cover to cover several
times. Am sending along an overdue stipend that was forgotten during all
the turmoil of our recent move...hope it’ll help cover some of the publishing
expenses. May see you next fall at the reunion because we’re planning to
attend that one on our way to Vermont to visit our birthplaces and the
rest of our families back there, some of whom we have not seen in years.
Thanks again for everything and Happy Holidays to All!” Ed: Thanks for
the $$$ and pre-dated addresses Lew, but I’d suggest you drop us a card
close to the dates reminding us to make those changes....not that we’re
getting old and forgetful, golly no...senile is a better word!
Been a tad chilly where you live? You’ll warm up after
reading this Bend, OR weather report from my only remaining original crew
member, Fritz Schwab: “It’s 0o outside, the snow is frozen into arctic
mounds, the water system is frozen and Christmas is upon us. Bah! Humbug!
Thank heavens for a good wood stove and the large wood pile I laid in last
fall. After while, when it warms up to at least 10o, I’ll trudge through
the winter wonderland to the well house and attempt to restart the system.
Oh! Joy! Wife Jenny is doing well as I am, in spite of my grousing we are
blessed. Hope all is well with you and yours. That’s all from Nanook of
the North.” Ed:
Jack Tarbutton sent this “thank you” note to Joe Jost
for his “extra mile” effort in promoting the 1998 reunion. Joe mailed first
class letters to all 440th Texas members urging them to attend the reunion
at San Diego. While it wasn’t what he really wanted to hear, Joe did appreciated
the note from Jack which read: “Thanks for your personal invitation to
the 319th Bomb Group reunion. I certainly appreciate your dedication. As
you may know, I was a pilot in the 400 th but was shot down on 19 Oct 1944
and became a prisoner of the Germans. I will not be able to join the group
at San Diego, but I do appreciate the invitation.” Ed: We tip our old flak
helmet to Joe for his reunion promotion, don’t know how many it helped
motivate to attend, but they know they were thought of! And Jack, you should
plan to meet all the other 440th POWs who will gather at Savannah next
fall, believe me, you’ll be welcomed with open arms!
This note from Carl & Mildred Warner: “Another
year almost gone and we need to get this donation in the mail because even
if we’re sick, tired or busy, we always enjoy reading the newsletters and
about the reunions. Just can’t seem to get ready for the trips as we once
did. We think of the many good people we met during the years when we were
attending the reunions. Carl is still in good health but I don’t get around
very much. Keep hoping to feel better next year and maybe I will. Use the
donation where needed. Our hello to everyone.” Ed: We’ll be down the road
just a piece from Little Rock in ‘99, guys, so take your vitamins, stash
some travel bucks in your mattress and join us at Savannah next fall!
These belated sad tidings from Elizabeth Warren, sister
of 440th member Andrew Yurkowsky. She wrote: “I regret to inform you of
the death of my brother, Andrew Yurkowsky on 7 July 1998 (see “Taps”).
He passed away at the Ohio Veteran’s Home in Sandusky, OH. He was 78 years
of age and died of complications of pneumonia. Thank you for sending the
Flyer for the many years. Andy did enjoy it.” Ed: We extend heartfelt condolences
to Elizabeth and her family on the loss of her brother and our comrade.
We’re glad Andy enjoyed reading the newsletters.
We’ve added three Associate members in recent weeks:
John L. Brouillette sent Joe M a couple of checks,
one for a copy of the “319th in Action”, the other for membership and the
319th Flyer. John’s father, Lawrence J. Brouillette, 440 eng/gunner. Passed
away in Jul 1985. Son John enclosed a wealth of background on his dad’s
319 service; mentioned names on photos of B-26 “Miss Eveready” (lost over
Italy 19 Dec 1943): Tom Fisher (MIA), Al (Skipper) Weiss, Eddie Matthews
(MIA), George Abbott (POW , escaped), Dale King (MIA), and John C.
Dean; and B-26 “Vera”: Lt. Robb (deceased), Tom Roike, Mike Pognik, and
Julian Whitman. Names on other photos: Lt G. S. Hunter, Rowland, Mannix,
Lee and Coyle. Son John said “Aviation has a real bonding nature to it,
difficult to explain in rational terms. Don’t hesitate to put anyone in
touch with me who may be looking for any additional information from dad’s
photos, orders, etc. My address is: P.O. Box 1597, Cody, WY 82414".
Ed: It’s heartening to see the interest shown by the
younger generation in what their dads and granddads did when they served
their country over a half century ago.
Past Prez Al Falcone passed along the request he received
from Louise Hampton, daughter of Charles E. Smith, deceased 440 pilot to
join the Association and our help in securing 319th embroidered emblems
to be incorporated in memory boxes she is putting together for her grandchildren...a
truly meaningful idea. She would also like emblems from the 42nd, 57th
and 308th Wings to which her father was attached (got any ideas where she
can get the latter?). Louise said they just got a computer and her e-mail
address is: < > or you can “snail mail” her at: 1125
Swallow La., Florissant, MO 63031.
John J, McCarthy, who wrote: “I knew “Skeez” Ecklund
for about 9 years, attended the 57th Wing reunion with him in 1997. We
were like brothers and I miss him very much. He often spoke of the 319th
Flyer. Is there any way I can get on your mailing list, I certainly would
appreciate it. Jerry’s “obit” was included in the Spring 1998 issue of
Men & Women of the 57th Wing.” Ed: John’s AF service included stints
with the 57th Bm Wg, 321st BG and 447th Bm Sqdn. His address is: 12723
Ottawa Ave., Savage, MN 55378.
In response to requests for some holiday gift ideas
received from several wives and family members, we suggest the following
books that are sure to be enjoyed by 319th members, and a striking “Last
of a Breed” T-shirt featuring a colorful Marauder imprint.
“Blue Battlefields” is a personal account of flying
71 combat missions during WWII in the Martin Marauder, “the flying coffin”.
In its second printing, “Blue Battlefields” is a large format hardback,
with 16 pages of color photos taken in 1944/45 on missions over Italy,
France and Germany. Also 85 B&W photos and cartoons by Bill Mauldin.
Author Chuck Mahoney, wasn’t a 319th pilot, but he sweated out his missions...just
like our guys did! Publisher: Koen Book Distributors. Discounted by Barnes
& Noble @ $27.96 plus tax (regular price $39.95).
“Bombs Brew, Boredom” will be of special interest
to 319th men (and families) who served in the S Pacific. This book
was compiled by Gene & Frances Ryan from the wartime diary entries
of 439 Pilot Tom Lorbreer. Recorded in Tom’s words, the book describes
the missions, the living conditions, the people and the places. It covers
the overseas flight to and life on Okinawa, the time spent in the Philippines,
breakup of the 319th and time spent in Japan during the first months of
the Occupation. The 175 page book contains some 45 pictures and mentions
about 100 people. The cost for this very limited edition is $13.50, postage
included. Send check to: Gene Ryan, P.O. Box 2044 Oretech Br., Klamath
Falls, OR 97601.
“The Martin B-26 Marauder” by Jack Havener is one
of the best books ever published on the B-26 Marauder. Havener flew over
50 combat missions in the Marauder, and was also a B-26 transitional training
instructor. Included are more than 150 previously unpublished photographs
which add to this book’s realistic portrayal of the Marauder’s history
from cradle to grave. Originally published in 1988, the new printing features
12 additional pages of color photos on a better paper stock. Publisher:
Special price for former Marauder unit men, $14.95 plus $2.50 shipping.
Send order to: Southern Heritage Press, P.O. Box 10937, St. Pete, FL 33733;
or order by phone: 800/282-3823.
The white crew neck T-shirt features a colorful silk
screen scene on the back showing the world’s last and only flying B-26
Marauder in flight against a background of clouds with the lettering “Fantasy
of Flight’s B-26 Magnificent Marauder—The Last of a Breed.” Silk
screened in blue on the front left breast is a small Fantasy of Flight
logo. Great gift for giving or getting. Available in Men’s: S-M-L-XL &
XXL sizes. Price, including shipping is $16.95 ea., plus $1.20 sales tax.
Order from: Fantasy of Flight, 1400 Broadway Blvd. SE, Polk City, FL 33868;
or order by phone: 941/984-3500.
While clearing off our desk the other day (a semi-annual
ordeal) we unearthed this epistle from Billy Vial to Joe M dated 21 Aug
1997. He writ:
“Thought I should send along something for the pot
and tell you about my meeting with an impressive young man (young to us)
I had the honor to converse with a couple or so months ago.
Jeffrey L. Ethell visited the next door neighbor at
my summer place to pick up some color slides made by my childhood friend
who was a B-29 navigator out of Tinian while we were in the Pacific. His
widow had offered the photos to Jeff for use in the latest book he was
working on.
Jeff has written quite a number of books on all areas
of military aviation from WWI up through today and was an advisor to NBC
during the Gulf War. His dad flew fighters in N Africa to cover some of
our guy’s butts, and the son was very well informed about the 319th. He
said he never had the pleasure of meeting our Col. but had enjoyed conversations
with Chuck Myers.
He had been scheduled to fly the CAF’s “Caroline”
the day it crashed but deferred to a Senior who wanted to take her up.
He implied that he had flown the plane before but the other guy was real
While visiting here he addressed a dinner meeting
to help raise funds for the Tappahannock, VA Library, and delivered one
of the best balanced lectures I’d ever had the pleasure of hearing; even
the women of all ages in the audience hung on his every word.
Sadly, this brilliant young man was killed a month
or so ago flying a restored P-38 Lightning somewhere on the west coast.
I’m not sure, but I believe his father flew that type plane in combat.
I really don’t know how to end this note gracefully,
but I just felt the urge to tell of a kindred sole, and what a loss his
dedication meant to those of us who are interested in all that flies.”
A speaker I once heard said that you should never go
to God for a cupful of blessings because God wants to give us an ocean’s
worth of His blessings. We do find it difficult to grasp how great is the
love and richness of life we are intended to have. We glimpse it, but then
allow someone or something to overwhelm and pull us into a prison of anxiety
and fear.
Our Lord has shown us love beyond our comprehension
and the freedom to be who we are, truly human, truly alive. We have been
given fullness of life. Let us thank God for it. For the joy of finding
ourselves forgiven when we have confessed a transgression. For the joy
of taking a leap forward in faith and finding God’s arms waiting to catch
us. For the joy of finding peace in the middle of turmoil, confirmation
in the midst of confusion and life in the very act of dying.
Let us overflow with Thankfulness during this Holy
Season and throughout the year, that others may likewise know and
be blessed by God’s unending love.
Ed: In addition to his words of assurance in each
Flyer, we wish to thank Chaplain Charles Brewton for organizing and conducting
the memorial services at our reunions. They are a most meaningful feature
of our annual get-togethers.