Hi Brock,
I came across a few more thoughts on the Flying Circus. Page 93 and 94 of
BOMBS ON THE TARGET show the caricatures on the walls of the beach club in August
1944 with the circus atmosphere.
Also read a book called ONE DAMNED ISLAND AFTER ANOTHER by Howard and Whitley in
1946. I quote their writing,
"There were changes which brought to the Pacific some of the glamour - if
it can be called that - of the European air war. Holzapple's Circus, a hot
flying Mediterranean outfit and the vanguard of the redeployed European air
forces, landed their brand new A-26's on the airstrip at Naha. Okinawa
supported the greatest show of flying force in the war against the Japanese
along with all the others were two dozen wicked-looking A-26 attack-bombers of
Holzapple's Circus, throwing their muscles around at medium altitude."
I thought it was neat to read both of those! Also I attached a picture of
Holzapfel and the Red Baron's Flying Circus. I thought I copied the words
too but I see I did not. It goes with the other picture I sent you of the
Red Baron in his red plane. From Louise Hampton. PHOTO