From: "Priscilla Abbott" <>
To: "'Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies'"
Subject: Lost
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 22:57:03 -0700
I’m looking for information on Miles (Jack) A. Hutchison. According to the records I have from the military he was a T-SGT with 319th Bomb Group 43. He was my uncle but I was just trying to see if I could find any information regarding his service online.
From: "Tazz" <>
To: "Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies"
Subject: lost
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:31:30 -0400
My name is Jim and my step father was with the 391 from about 1944 to the end of the war.and his name is Bill Misenheimer or W W Misenheimer. He been looking for his pilot and his name is Tom Mason from Downy Ca. They flew in a A26 and he was a gunner. Any infomation would be helpful to me.
Email me at
From: (John Holland)
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 01:40:37 -0500
To: Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies
Subject: Lost
Looking for anyone who may have knew my Uncle, Sgt.Chester Barton. He was a turret gunner, with the 310th BG, 379th BS.
His plane was shot down over Corvino Airdome in Italy, July 20, 1943. Where he later died of wounds!
He was born and from Indiana.
Please email with any information!
Thank You!
Dear Webmaster:
I sent the attched e-mail last September. The gent who received it, maybe you, was in the middle of a move at the time. Thought I would make one more try. As I previously said, I know that time and age are not in my favor as far as getting a reply but am making the effort again.
Bob Duerden
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert F. Duerden
To: Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 3:49 PM
Subject: Lt. William Clancy - Bombardier 319th Bomb Group:
Dear Sirs:
I posted a similar message on your Message Board.
I'm trying to locate anyone from the 319th who might remember Lt. Bill Clancy. He was a bombardier with the 319th during the approximate time period of August 1943 to February 1944. Bill was from Boston, MA and became a Boston policeman following the war. He died on February 11th, 2003.
Bill had a great influence on my life. Not as a policeman but as the kind of a man he was. I realize that time is against my finding anyone who might remember him but would appreciate any contact or information.
Bob Duerden
Green Valley, AZ
From: "Gary & Vicki Arceci"
To: "Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies"
Subject: LOST-Paul Hackman
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 20:42:12 -0500
Been trying for quite some time to find the group, squad, anything, which my father served with during WWII in Italy. His name was Paul Hackman and he was another veteran who did not like to talk of the war. I have lots of paperwork concerning his active duty in the states after the war, but very little to go on during the war. He died in 1988, age 62, and just before that we started to get bits and pieces of information. He was a tailgunner on A-26c's (or A-20G's?), served in Italy and Sicily 14 months. His pilot was Lt. Pete Hansen. Other pilots he served with were Maj. Taylor, Lt. Neighbors and Lt. Ross Alimony. I have been
confused about exactly which type of plane he was on; he has a picture of those 3 pilots with "A-26c's" written on the back; the picture he drew for me of his plane says "A-20G". Hee told me his plane carried 500 ton, 100 ton and cluster bombs; flew in formations of 24 planes. He sailed home from Naples on the Wakefield in September, 1945.
Does this information ring a bell to anyone? Where can I find information on groups that flew those types of planes in Italy? Does anyone remember my father or the other men I mentioned?
Thank you so much for any information you can provide.
Vicki Hackman Arceci
To: Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies
Subject: Jefferson J. Josephs
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 18:28:48 EST
I'm looking for information on Jefferson J. Josephs and doing a family tree. He passed away Nov. 3, 2005.
We wondered if anyone remembered him or have information on him as we would like to enter it in the family tree.
Navigator/Bombardier in the 319th Bomb Group.
Flew 76 Missions, Europe, Africa and South Pacific.
Any information will be greatly appreciated.
May GOD Bless
From: "chili" <>
To: "Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies"
Subject: Lost
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 00:59:18 -0500
My name is James Richard McQuillar, and I am looking for any and all information about my father-in-law, SSgt Judson S. Shoemaker. He was a B25 bombardier, assigned to the 439th Bomb Squadron, late 1944. He flew missions out of Serragia Air Field, Isle of Corsica. On 1 Dec 1944 he flew on "#67" with the following crewdawgs: Pilot, R.N. Stephens; Co, Federer; Engineer, T. Kerr; Radio, Drostulon, and Gunner, G. Zubenko. On 10 Dec 1944 he mentioned that his formation was jumped by enemy fighters, and "we lost Joe Pizzofferatto, George Stodghill and Herman." I also have a photo of my father-in-law and his crew standing in front of a B25 identified with L V2 on the fuselage. My father-in-law lives in Altha, Fla, where he is suffering from the late stages of Alzheimer disease. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to collect enough information and/or pictures so that I can present my mother-in-law with a scrapbook of my father-in-law 's military career. Thanks and God bless you.
James R. McQuillar
From : <>
To : Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies
Subject : Lost
Date : Thursday, October 31, 2002 6:37 AM
I'm looking for any info I can find on a Edward P. Lear. Last known address was Phillipsburg, New Jersey. He was a member of 319th bombgroup and 439th bomb squadron. Engineer Gunner November 1943 and all of 1944.
My name is Ben Gunter, also a member of the 319th bombgroup. I received an e-mail, most appreciatively, of an address and phone number from a reunion roster from 1999. The phone is no longer in service.
Anything anyone has would be greatly appreciative!
Ben Gunter, Sr.
October, 30th, 2002
Hi 319th!!
I'm e-mailing for my father-in-law who is looking for a Mr. Edward P. Lear. Engineer Gunner, November 1943 & all of 1944. He had a letter from him and the envelope got wet and can't read his address. Wants to write back to him as soon as possible. Anyone knowing of his address or how he can reach him please e-mail me (his daughter-in-law, Gloria) at By the way, the gentleman looking for Mr. Lear is, Benjamin Gunter, Sr. Tail-gunner in WWII.
Thank You So Much,
Gloria Gunter
From : "KIRKLAND,ROD (HP-USA,ex1)" <>
To : "'Webmaster319th-Lost Buddies
Subject : Lost: Robert J. Kirkland tailgunner
Date : Sun, 16 Jun 2002 17:24:05 -0700
Hello 319th,
I would appreciate any information from anyone in 319th BG who may have known my dad, Robert J.
Kirkland, Sgt. who was a B-26 tailgunner, in the North Africa theater from late 1942-1943. He was
transferred to Valley Forge Hospital, PA in 1944. He died in 1974. He didn't speak often of his
missions or his experience although we do have artifacts from North Africa that he brought back (Algerian and Italian
money) and he did speak a little about it, for instance being transported on the Queen Mary, the many crashes
on landing, especially during the rainy season (nose wheel collapses), and how hairy low level strafing missions were, especially against rail yards.
Thanks for your help,
Rodney F. Kirkland
Hi Blair,
You can delete the link requesting identification of the "hot
pilot." Turns out he was a bombardier and had a very tragic ending. Ed
Steinman (my pilot) as noted in the e-mail below from Fred Shay properly
identified him last Memorial Day. I had forgotten he was a bombardier. I knew
him but just couldn't place him. Joe
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat & Fred Shay"
To: "Connaughton, Joe"
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2000 9:25 AM
Subject: Photo Identification
Hi Joe,
Hope you have a great Memorial Day. I had a letter from Ed
Steinman who identified the big fellow holding a glass of whiskey.
He is Michael V. Duslarowitz, a bombardier who joined our squadron
November or December 1944. He was shot down and killed on a mission
to Alessandris - Torreberette, R.R. bridge on December 22, l944.
The crew consisted of Lt. Whalan, pilot, Lt. Eurp, co-pilot,
Lt. Duslarowitz, bombardier, T/Sgt. Huck and T/Sgt. Collyer and
T/Sgt. Gragert. On the same mission another B-26 caught fire in one
engine, six men bailed out but were never found in the sea. Those
who were lost were Lt. Miser, Lt. Swinnay, Lt. McCarthy, S/Sgt. Gredson.,
S/Sgt. Bangtson and S/Sgt. Nord.
If you remember, Duslarowitz came over as a member of Swinney's
crew. Both were killed on the same day in different airplanes.
Our losses in December were twelve men. This information came from
Louise Hampton, daughter of C. E. Smith, a gunner in the 440th, who
obtained a secret report somehow.
Ed Steiman sent me a copy and I will mail a copy to you.
Find the picture of Michael V. Duslarowitz Here
brock, I am looking for anyone who would have known
my father Charles Edward Smith who was in the Asiatic Pacific Theater,
7th Air Force, 440th squadron, 7th Bomber Command, 319th Group, 308th Wing
from July through October 1945. My father passed away in 1959 and
I am trying to put together a diary for my
grandchildren about their great grandfathers
experiences in World War II. Any information would be appreciated,
thank you. Louise Hampton
Here is more info from Louise:
Hi Brock, Thanks for updating my address so I will be able
to hear from anyone that knew my dad or had info on his life during WWII.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the 3 schools he attended
in 1943: Aircraft Maintenance Mechanic School, Marfa Texas
Airplane Mechanic School, Johnson Field N.C. Aerial Gunnery School,
Ft. Myers Florida. I would also like to see if anyone lists my dad, Charles
E. Smith on their flight roster.He was at Barksdale Field, LA.
from Jan. 44 to Hunter AF Base and Camp Patrick Henry VA in May 1944.
June left on the Justin S. Morrill liberty ship with a convoy of B-26 crews
to Naples Italy. The 12th AAF. There he flew with someone other than his
regular unit and on July 12th got his first Air Medal for the Cremona Rd.
and RRB.. From there to Sardenia and to Corsica in Sept. In
Jan 1945 back to Naples and the US. In Feb. 1945 he reported to Columbia
S.C. to train on the A-26. Then in May to Mather Field at Sacramento then
to Oahu. In July to Christmas Island, Canton Island, Tarawa,
Eniwetok, Guam, then Okinawa. Here with the 7th AF. He
returned to the US in early Nov. Anyone having my dad listed for
receiving an award would be helpful. Thank you for making this possible!
Louise Hampton
Geulen Walters <>
To: <>
Dear BrockI'm another one of those war-service orphans
-- by which I mean those boomers who realize
after their father (or mother) is gone that they don't
know much about his/her wartime activities. In my case, the little that
my brother and I have begun to learn has only made things more mysterious.
I'm writing to you in the hopes you (or some of your readers, Brock) can
answer some of our questions. My father's name was George Matt Walters,
from Trial, Oregon. (And by the way, , he lived in Oregon or Norther Ca.
for the rest of his life. (Klamath Falls, Medford, Ashland, Happy Camp
Ca, Corvallis) My mother and siblings are still all in the NW.)
1) OUr documentation consists pretty much entirely
of his discharge papers and a photo. The photo shows him with 5 others
in front of a B-26. My mother is certain that he said this was the crew
he served with as a tail-gunner. The plane has "LF4" in large white letters
on the nose, but no other visable markings (only the front is shown). The
discharge says he was in the 643rd Squadron, which we believe was part
of the 409th.
BUT: Bill Griner's history of the 409th (which he
hasn't yet posted, but sent to me) says that they flew A-20s and then later
A-26. (Neither of which even has a tail-gunner, right?) So there is evidently
either an error in the history, or my father was only later assigned to
the 643d but flew in the B-26 earlier somewhere (would that show on the
discharge papers?), or he never flew combat in the B-26 and the photo is
from training or
something. (This last seems very unlikely.)
2) Earlier, he was in pilot training (AAF ACFT, the discharge says) in
King City, Calif. Class 43-I in PT-22 trainers. We have four or five thin
"yearbooks" from the school. Was
anyone out there also at King City? If so, please
tell us anything and everything you canabout it? (We don't even know where
it is/was.)
3) Dad washed out of pilot training at or near the
last stage. Evidently, he once told my mother it was for flying under bridges!
The dates of active service show that he was in the states for 2 years
and 2 months after enlisting -- is that unusual?
4) He arrived in Europe on 22 July 44 and was "wounded
in action" 10 Dec. 44 (so during the Battle of the Buldge?). The wound,
he once said, was a shapnel fragment to the head. It was evidently serious
enough to keep him from flying anymore: Under "Reason and authority for
separation" the discharge reads:"CONVENIENCE OF GOVERNEMENT RR 1-1 'DEMOBILIZATION'
AR 615-365 15 DEC 44" Any idea whatall of that means?
5) The (perhaps) strange thing is that after this
"demobilization" he remained in Europe another 7+ months (returning 22
July 45). Is this common? What might he (ie, any "demobilized" gunner)
have been doing during this time? There's more, but I'll stop here. Thanks
in advance for any help.Best, Tim Walters
Subject: John Lichty
Date: Tue, 17 Mar
1998 13:49:05 -0800
From: Joseph Connaughton <>
Hi Brock,
recently received an e-mail from John Lichty, who is the namesake and nephew
of Lt. John Lichty. You remember Lt. Lichty was the copilot on Colonel
Randy's sea sweep mission that began the story of "Colonel Randy's Flying
Circus" in the Sept. '97 issue of Aviation History. Sadly, Lt. Lichty was
KIA on another sea sweep just 7 days later on Janurary 29, 1943. John and
his family read the article and are interested in finding more information
about his career, John is trying to pull it all together, and has asked
me to help. He would like to contact anyone in the 319th that knew Lt .Lichty.
I have sent him copies of some of Lichty's mission reports and other
information from the 319th In Action. But, he is searching for some contact
with anyone who directly knew or knew of Lt. John Lichty's activities at
the time. He may be reached by e-mail at
I'm sure he'll appreciate
you posting this on your "Lost" page.
Joe. How
about some help guys?
Ray Kinsala,
I really enjoyed the website. Pat yourself on the back a couple of
times for me will you. By the way I have been trying for years to
find an old crewmember of mine who went thruough training with me.
His name is Harold Weston and came from Lewistown Idaho. Think you
might help me in finding him? Sure would appreciate it.
If you do I will write a good war story for you. ok? Thanks
Ray Kinsala 438th
Charles W. "Fifi" Pfeiffer, armorer 319th.BG, 439th. Squad. The guy who accidentally fell out of the airplane in Sardinia. Procured and rode motorcycles. Helped me dig hole for Officers latrine in Corsica. Last known address San Diego, CA. E.J. Brockman