"319th. BG....... PICTURES" 

From Ed Steinman, 438th.
From Steve Pace

My grandfather, St. Sgt Robert Kunselman #33496860 was with the 319th Bomber Group. He was a engineer gunner. He did a favor for a buddy on August 9th, 1944 (his daughters 2nd birthday) and traded missions with him. Their Marauder B/N 13 42-107546 ended up running out of gas returning from a the mission and crashing in a mountainous area near Sardinia.

My question is, my father was just a baby when his dad was killed, Granddad was just about 21 years old. We are trying to find out as much about is time in service as we can. He was very good friends with a lot of people but one in particular that we have pictures of, who was Sgt. John. J. Murphy at the time, he had a wife named Wilma. My family has been looking for them for years. If anyone could help we would be forever grateful. I have included pictures of them with my grandparents and also a few pictures that someone might be able to recognize some of the people or places that the pictures were taken.
Thank you so much for the help!

Melissa A. Case

Pics: 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05

Hi 319th!
The guy selling her sent me these great videos. Video 1 / Video 2 / Video 3
This is the bird that was in the movie "Always" about 10 years ago as a water bomber.
Jim Gammon (son of Howard Gammon)

I recently went through some of my mother papers and found a photo of the 319th veterans mauruders from June 5, 1943 to Oct 31, 1944. 15 famous planes with 100+ sorties. My uncle Thomas Porter served with the group as a mechanic. Just thought you might be interested
Thank you   John Faber


Sorry it took me awhile to get these out. The pictures are all of B-26s over northern Italy, and most were provided by Italian historian Claudio Mischi. Descriptions:

1. A rare color photo of a B-26 in flight, from 1944
2. The Mantua causeway. This was a frequent target of the 319th and 320th bomb groups in 1944.
3. Bombs striking the Mantua causeway
4. looking back at a B-26 in formation
5. another, closer
6. the Mantua East Rail Bridge after being struck in 1944 (this was the target of the disastrous October 19, 1944 raid)
7. The memorial to the crew of tail 88, which crashed in Redondesco, Italy on October 19, 1944 (this was erected in 2004 by the citizens of the town, near Mantua)
8. another rare color photograph, of B26s getting ready to take off at a French airfield, circa 1944
9. Six B-26s taking off in unison from Sardinia, Colonel Randy’s Flying Circus in action.

My father and my family just returned from a visit to Mantua that was quite extraordinary. It was the scene of a very tough mission on October 19, 1944, with three planes being downed over the city. As I mentioned, a memorial has been built in the village of Redondesco. I’ve already sent an article into the Sortie about the trip, which was pretty amazing.

Let me know if you need any further information and I’ll do what I can to fill in the gaps. Thanks!

Court Ogilvie
Arlington, VA

A few more were added, see them all here. BW

 A Pic Submitted by Raylouise2@aol.com 11/11/2005 Click here to see.

Hi Blair,

My friend Alf sent me the attached photo's he found on eBay. I sure hope they go to a worthy person!

Thanks...added a WinZip-file here, found 19 B-26 photos for sale at eBay, one definitely 17th BG, the rest some known 319th BG, guess the 18 (including the A-26 photo) is 319th. Your veteran friends would probably remember some of the scenes, especially repair of "Big Ass Bird". These photos must have come from a private collection, as they are of small size, approximately 4.75" x 3.5" inches in size. Quite an attic discovery this morning....


Here it is Folks! 
Mark Popes submission for the Photo Gallery.
 This now officially opens the site for all submissions of photos from members
 (as I now have a faster way of getting them online). 
Send them if you've got them! 
contact me first for an alternate email address
 (for those larger files - over 1mb) to submit to.
 All images will be posted "as is" when submitted. 
Wish I had time to image correct for you but unfortunately I cannot spare it.
Thanks again to Mark and to everyone who will be sending me stuff in the future.
Blair 3/15/02

From: Kenneth Coney <superc@visuallink.com>
To: Webmaster-319thMembers 
Subject: Register
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 00:01:53 -0400

Coney, Kenneth Son of Winslow S. Coney 320/443 Photographer and Waist Gunner North Africa, Sardenia, Italy, France.
Two photographs attached.

Click Photos to Enlarge

  • From: "Fanni Dr. Ignazio" <ifanni@tiscali.it>
    To: "Webmaster 319th-Comments"
    Subject: Villacidro LG - Sardinia
    Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 16:45:36 +0100

    The picture that Ron Maclin Rmacact39@aol.com sent to you in 12/22/2002 is a photo of a plain of the French "Groupe de Bombardement Moyen 1/22 Maroc" and the runway is Villacidro (Sardinia) LG.

    Ignazio Fanni

  • Attached is a picture that I think is 319th? 
    Ronald Macklin 34th Bomb Squadron 17th Bomb Group.
    Enjoy your website.
    submitted 12/22/02

 A Pic Submitted by Raylouise2@aol.com

  • Captured B-26
  • Dad With Bomb - Hi and hope all is well.. Here is another picture Louis sent me.. I am sorry, I don't have names of the guys sitting ON
    the bomb but the one standing is of course, the patriarch.. I will find out the details and let you know whether it was North Africa or Sardinia (I think North Africa) and if he remembers the other guys' names.. Hope you are enjoying spring and take care.
  • Blair,
    Can I get this picture posted on the website? It is of Bruce Bartholomew, Bob Casteel and Mr. McDonnel- have no first name- on the Isle of Capri. Would be interested if anyone knows when.

    Dan Bartholomew

Some more Pics Submitted by Patty Cocuzzi <PattyCocuzzi@aol.com>