Last Update 03/26/2008

The Following PDF download is for the following Reunion Contact List:

9thAF, 17thBG, 22ndBG, 319thBG, 320thBG, 322ndBG, 323rdBG, 344thBG, 387thBG, 391thBG, 394thBG, 397thBG, 451stBS, 454BS, 455BS, B-26MHS, & Troop Carrier Community

Click here to download


Post your reunion info here


Alternate Posting Sites for reunion info.

From: "Ed Skopal" <>
To: "Webmaster 319th-Reunion Posting"
Subject:  Armed Forces Reunions, Inc.
Date:  Mon, 18 Mar 2002 09:46:25 -0500

Dear Reunion Committee:

As Account Executive Armed Forces Reunions, Inc. I would like to know if
your organization is willing to consider a lending hand from the premier
full-service military reunion planner in the country. Armed Forces
Reunions, Inc. has been in business since 1988. We know the national hotel
market well and, due to the volume of business we handle, are able to obtain
the best possible value for our clients. Obviously, we would love the
opportunity to assist with a future reunion, wherever it might be held.

Where we really come in handy is when a group runs out of willing volunteers
to handle the reunion. Or perhaps the task has fallen on the shoulders of a
select few, who would really like a chance to enjoy the reunions with the
rest of the crew. With AFR, your group may also consider a host of
attractive cities, not just those where a member may reside.

Attached is a synopsis of our services. If you might be interested I would
like to mail you some more detailed information along with a sample
registration packet like those we distribute at the reunions. To help you
decide on an attractive location we have sample tour programs for over
seventy cities. Being aware of national trends, we can also steer you to
where the best hotel deals are.

If you have any questions please feel free to call anytime on the toll-free
number at 1-800-562-7226, or reply to this email address. If there is a
particular city of interest for the future I'd be happy to round up a
specific proposal. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to
the possibility of serving you and the members of your organization.

Best regards,

Ed Skopal
Account Executive
Armed Forces Reunions, Inc.
PH 757-625-6401
FAX 757-627-3807
Submitted by: "C . O. SMITH" <>


From:  "Jeff's Hotmail" <>
Reply-To:  "Jeff's Hotmail" <>
To:  "Webmaster 319th-Comments"
Subject:  Reunion
Date:  Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:50:33 -0500
 You might want to post you reunion info over on for wider distribution.  The following is the exact page:
Don't worry about the Marine Corp stuff in the address, it is for all services.
Jeff Poulson